Bagged vs Bagless Vacuums

Bagged and bagless vacuums, which is better

Central vacuum systems are known for effectively eliminating dust and significantly improving indoor air quality. But emptying a central vacuum collection container, if not done correctly, can get messy and can throw dust and allergens back into the air which is harmful to your lungs. 

For that reason, using a bagged vacuum is often more recommended. However, this also doesn’t mean that a bagless vacuum can’t be a good choice. Both methods have their fair share of advantages and disadvantages.

Keep on reading to learn about the pros and cons of using bagged and bagless vacuums. 


Bagless System Pros

  • Budget-friendly

    The biggest advantage of having a bagless vacuum is that it doesn’t require you to stock up on central vacuum bags. Having a bagged vacuum will cost you more money because vacuum bags need to be purchased and they have to be changed on a regular basis.

    So if you’re looking for a cheaper option, go for the bagless system. 


  • Eco friendly

    Having a bagless vacuum is beneficial for the environment because it doesn’t let you throw bags away along with their collection of dirt and debris. Instead, you’ll be using a plastic collection container that is durable and easy to clean. 


  • Easy to empty

    Emptying a collection container is a simple thing to do, you just need to be careful when doing it.

    Gently remove the container and dispose of the contents in a place where they can’t reach your indoor areas. Otherwise, you’ll be wasting your time and work by allowing the dust particles to find their way back into your home.

    Collection containers usually have a window that lets you see if the container is full or not. This lets you know when to empty your containers. 


  • Does not affect the suction

    A bagged vacuum usually decreases in suction power as the bag starts filling. This is why bags should be replaced even when they are not full yet.

    However, as for a bagless vacuum, the suction remains consistent and effective in removing dust and debris, making vacuuming faster and easier.


Bagless System Cons


  • More maintenance

    Bagless vacuums can require more cleaning and maintenance than their bagged counterparts. Most of them need to be emptied and cleaned every three to six months to prevent loss of suction and clogging.

    In some cases, you may even need to clean the filter each time you empty the container.


  • Allergen Inhalation

    Emptying a dusty bucket can send up the particles and toxins that you collected back in the air, possibly exposing you to allergens that can negatively impact your health.

    To avoid inhaling the contents of the container, we suggest that you wear a mask and carefully carry and empty the container outdoors. 


Bagged System Pros


  • Hygienic

    Because all of the dust and debris is contained within the bag, you can simply throw it and its contents away without creating a mess or polluting the air.

    Bags are also effective at trapping dirt, debris, dust mites, pet dander, and other particles. These particles can accumulate inside your central vacuum system and cause the motor to slow down or get damaged.


  • Less Maintenance

    Most bagged vacuums require less maintenance than bagless vacuums. Because all the dirt and debris go straight to the bag, you won’t have to worry about cleaning the power unit or emptying a collection container. You simply need to throw the bag away along with its contents.

    Another good thing about central vacuum bags is that they are big enough to hold up to 20L of dirt and dust. This means that you only need to change your bags once or four times a year.


  • Best for Asthma and Allergy Sufferers

    Bags, together with the powerful suction of a central vacuum, are better at trapping dust, dirt and debris than collection containers, so they are great for keeping allergens and other toxins out of your home.

    The bags also make it safer and easier for allergy and asthma sufferers to empty their central vacuums and dispose of the bags. 


  • More filtering for cleaner air

    A bagged vacuum is more likely to keep your home and your indoor air cleaner. Not using a bag can result in all the dust going right into the motor or through the exhaust, polluting the air in your garage or basement. 


Bagged System Cons


  • Costs you more money

    Bags need to be replaced regularly and they don’t come for free. Their price will vary depending on the model of your central vacuum.

    Also, how frequently you vacuum your home will determine how often you need to change your bags. It can be difficult to tell if a bag is full or not, because you won’t be able to see it from the inside unless you open it.

    It’s better if you can tell when you need to replace your bags. You don’t want to waste money by changing your bags too soon.

    That being said, bags can sometimes be a hassle because you have to keep buying them and make sure that they are changed on time.


  • Decreases suction

    As soon as the bag starts filling, you’ll notice a decrease in suction from your central vacuum. That’s why central vacuum bags should be replaced or emptied before they reach 75% of their capacity. You’ll get the best results if you use a new or empty bag.

    It can also be hard to tell when a bag needs to be replaced. You don’t want to use a bag that is too full nor waste money by changing your bags too soon. 


Which one is better?

There is no definite answer to this question because each household is different from one another. Both bagless and bagged systems can provide you with benefits and are effective in different ways. 

But when it comes to choosing between the two, it will have to be based on your personal preferences, finances or your family’s health conditions. 

Just remember that the air quality and cleanliness in your home will heavily depend on how you use and maintain your central vacuum system. Also, remember to choose a vacuum system that will work best for your home.


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