How is a Central Vacuum Cleaner Quiet?

How is a Central Vacuum Cleaner Quiet

A central vacuum system has the ability to function silently, making it possible for you to vacuum without exposing anyone or yourself to loud noise.

Unlike conventional vacuum cleaners that are 70 to 90 decibels loud, most central vacuum systems produce noise at a maximum level of only 60 decibels, or around the volume of two people speaking normally.

Having said that, you may be wondering: “How is a central vacuum cleaner quiet?” 

Continue reading to find out what causes a central vacuum system to run quietly and what you can do to keep it that way.


What Makes a Central Vacuum Cleaner Quiet


  1. The motor is placed in a garage or basement

    The suction motor or power unit of a central vacuum system should always be installed in the garage or basement. This is because of the following reasons:
    • Since the motor is located in a more isolated area of the house, the only sounds you’ll hear when cleaning with your central vacuum system is the air passing through the vacuum and the vacuum head itself.


    • Installing the unit in the lowest level of the house will avoid working against gravity. Dust and debris are captured more easily if they are pulled downwards.


    • The motor should be placed in cooler areas as it needs good ventilation to operate smoothly and last long.


    • If the power unit and dirt receptacle is away from your living areas, it will be difficult for the vacuumed-up dust and airborne particles to find their way back inside your home.


  1. A muffler reduces noise

    A muffler can be used to lessen the noise that your power unit makes in the garage or basement.

    Mufflers are meant to be attached to a power unit’s exhaust and are insulated with a noise-canceling material that lowers sound levels.

    Having a muffler on your power unit will help you to hear other sounds like phone rings while you are vacuuming.


  2. There are incredibly quiet central vacuum cleaners

    Traditional vacuum cleaners have always produced a lot of noise. But this is not the case with central vacuum systems, especially the ones that are designed to run more silently.

    Some central vacuum systems are slightly quieter than the typical ones, with maximum sound levels of only 58 or 59 dB. They allow you to clean your entire home without disturbing your loved ones or your neighbors because they are made to operate very quietly.


  3. The filters are kept clean

    Cleaning your filters will help make your central vacuum cleaner quiet.

    Dirty filters impair a vacuum cleaner’s ability to suck in air, making the motor struggle and work louder than it should. If you allow this to continue, your motor will overheat and become damaged.

    Additionally, it’s important to clean your filters regularly to ensure that they continue to capture debris and improve the air quality in your house.

    Typically, vacuum cleaners use one or two filters: a HEPA filter and another one that is placed near the collection bag.

    Vacuum filters should be cleaned at least every three months and replaced every six months, depending on how frequently you use your vacuum.


  4. The motor, piping and hose are not clogged

    Just like dirty filters, a clogged motor, piping or hose will reduce your vacuum’s suction power and increase the noise coming from the power unit. It’s important to always observe your central vacuum’s suction and check your vacuum for any clogs or blockages before using it.

    If you’re using a bagless vacuum, dust and dirt can accumulate inside the power unit, clogging the suction motor. Always check and clean the power unit before using your central vacuum system, or use vacuum bags to prevent any dust or debris from clinging onto the motor.

    To fix a clogged hose, insert an electrician’s fish tape or garden hose through the hose and carefully push the blockage out. Replace your hose if it has been pierced or torn as it will hinder your vacuum from producing suction.

    To remove clogs from the pipes, you can take the following steps:

    1. Use the power unit’s on/off button to turn the central vacuum on and check the suction at each inlet. Starting with the one closest to the power unit, check each inlet one at a time until you determine the one having a lack of suction.


    2. Carefully insert an electrician’s fish tape into the inlet and push it through to remove the obstruction. You can also turn off your power unit and use a different vacuum to suck the blockage out of the pipe by placing its wand end inside the inlet.


  5. The bags are changed regularly

    Vacuum bags should be replaced as soon as they reach 75% of their capacity.

    Letting a bag fill beyond the recommended limit will not give enough space for new debris to enter, cause the motor to get clogged and noisy and decrease the vacuum cleaner’s suction and performance.

    The good thing about central vacuum bags is that they are big enough to hold up to 20L of dirt and dust. Depending on how often you use your central vacuum, you only need to change the collection bags once or four times a year to keep your central vacuum cleaner quiet and operating smoothly.

Why it’s Important To Have a Quiet Central Vacuum System

One-time exposure to a very loud sound like an explosion or frequent exposure to loud sounds can damage the sensitive parts in our inner ear, causing tinnitus and temporary or permanent hearing loss.

While prolonged exposure to sounds below 75 dB is unlikely to result in hearing issues, prolonged exposure to sounds at or above 85 decibels can result in hearing loss.

Some conventional vacuum cleaners operate at 85-90 decibels, so using these vacuums to clean your home may not be healthy and convenient for you.

Exposure to loud noises can also lead to additional forms of physical and mental stress, hinder communication and focus, and result in accidents and injuries by reducing your ability to hear warning signals or notice the events that are taking place around you.

It’s important to clean with a quiet central vacuum system because it not only keeps your ears healthy and prevents injuries, but it also allows you to hear other sounds that are necessary to your everyday life.


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